
Showing posts from July, 2020

Top 7 Modules in Python Programming language | 2020

Python is a simple programming language yet of very high level and is very much popular. This days the use of python has gone very high and it is expected to be much higher in the upcoming days in the near future. So, today in this article we will be discussing about some modules in python language which are most to be learnt: NumPy: It helps to do basic mathematical operations and complex math with algebraic formulas, statistical operations,etc. It is a valuable python package and is important for machine learning. Pendulum: It helps to do complex coding involving dates and time and is broad form of datetime module. It also manages the time zone automatically hence, it is a replacement for the datetime module. Python imaging library: It makes easy to write codes that involves to open, read and manipulate or modify images in a variety of formats. The Pillow or PIL imaging library is good for importing, manipulation and exporting images. MoviePy: As pillow is to images, moviePy is t

Why should you learn Python programming language?

Python is a programming language developed by Guido Van Rossum. It is a very simple programming language so, you can learn Python without facing any issues. You are a beginner at programming can learn python. So, let's see top 7 reasons to learn python: Simple and popular: Python programming language is simple and very popular. Many significant platforms only support Python language. It also ranks top three as per TIOBE Index. Versatile:  It is a versatile language, i.e.; can we used to develop desktop applications, web pages and is considered best for AI and data science. Popularity: Many industries like YouTube, Amazon, Google, Facebook,etc. use this language. So, Python developers are very high in number. Moreover, the users of python are increasing day by day. Portable an extensible: Python course are portable and extensible as a code for Windows even run at Mac, Unix or Linux. Even the codes can be compiled in different languages like C++ or C. Graphical: The Python Computer G

Parents : Living Gods for us !

Parents : Living Gods for every Children We would never know that ; we live in the earth or moon ;  eat rice or hay ; have feeling of love or hate without our creators ; our (each child) living gods. Mother's immense love towards you ( one who is reading this ) and unconditional care of your father towards your mother led you to this planet where you met or will meet ; genius as well as dull ; well-wishers as well as sugar coaters; richest to the poorest and nevertheless you , your past and your f uture too.  ‌As a responsible parent, both father and mother will provide you all the paraphernalia you need according to their financial status. You may have younger brother or sister in home who may sometimes demand materials hard to afford. This is common in the age between 5-12 years because that very  junior's or  lil one's mindset isn't set. Sacrificing the plan to buy a jean for father and tops for mother; they will try to fulfill the  lil one demand. Parental

GURKHAS : Infantry Battalion In The World

"Everybody wants to live long but nobody wants to die" Yes, this is the truth of this world. Only soldiers are such people, who fight for us and are ready to sacrifice for the country.  So, let's move on to the topic GURKHAS.  "GURKHAS" "IT IS BETTER TO DIE THEN TO LIVE AS A COWARD" It is a slogan which is written in the golden letter in the headquarter of 1 by 11 GR(Gorkha Rifles) of India. Once Field Marshal (Shain Makik Shah) said that ,"IF ANYONE SAYS YOU HE IS NOT AFRAID OF DEATH, THEN YOU MUST THINK THAT EITHER HE IS LYING OR HE MUST BE A GURKHA." GURKHAS, also known as Gorkhali, are known as the most dangerous infantry battalion in the world. Even the enemy used to praise the Gurkha solder because of their bravery.  At the World War 1st, German Emperor Kasier Willem II had said that, " I can send my troops to fight against any troops in this entire world but my hearts severs when I hear the name of GURKHA." Also, in the World

A poem with explanation on ; Having hope or Giving up ! ( Must read for those who think life is useless )

Having hope or giving up ? Before taking you to the article, go thoroughly ; We are born once being sure to burn Maybe for short but not the least life flies as stack of files In whirlpool ; Like piles of files kept Rugged in Cremation house ; what left ? Sure to meet death one day Try not to make on your own Not matured ; you are fawn False pronouncement not worth judgement Tongue without bone ; may slip Instead of being ripen mango Better be a picked raw so will have hope Bugs leave your nodes Hope will pave Giving up will Pause Pause such ; space key won't work Do think twice Not sent by god for ; Daal rice Never stuck in these twos Have hope before havoc. Lets begin: 1st stanza explains : After the birth ; there is sure to be death which is known worldwide but, you are sent to complete the tenure given  ; to make the things happen ; to read between the lines ; to help in governmental and non governmental works and many more. You maybe here

यो कविता उनका लागि | Nepali Poem

Mahadev यो कविता उनका लागि, जसले संसार बसाए, काम, क्रोध, ईर्ष्या त्यागी, महानता आफ्नो देखाए। सत्यको सधै गुनगान गाइ, पाठ सबैलाई सिकाए, कालकोट सबै आफूले पिई, अमृत अरुलाई दिलाए।। जसलाई संसार साराले, निलकण्ठ नाम दिलाए, भोलेपनले भरिपूर्ण उनि, भोलेनाथ कहेलाए। जसलाई भक्त साराले, केवल बेलपत्रले बोलाए, यो कविता उनका लागि, जसले स्वयं ब्रह्मालाई पाठ सिकाए ।। आत्महरूमा परमात्मा उनि , जसले पञ्चमहाभूत बनाए, कालहरु मा महाकाल उनि , जसले जीवनदान दिलाए। हामी सबैका पिता उनै, जसले ताण्डव नाच बनाए, यो कविता उनका लागि, जसले परमानन्दको बाटो देखाए।। पशुहरुका नाथ उनै, जसले पशुपतास्त्र बनाए, जडिबुटीका पनि ज्ञानी उनै, उनी वैद्यनाथ केेहलाए। भुतहरुका पनि नाथ उनै, उनी भूतनाथ केहलाए, ईश्वरहरुमा महान उनै, उनी महेश्वर केहलाए, यो कविता उनका लागि, जो विष्णुप्रिय महादेव केहलाए।।

"My country, My pride", an essay.

Within the Himalayas, there lies a beautiful land blessed from nature with natural beauty on its peak, with scenes giving thrilling experience and mountains showing its pure presence. There lies a flower between two big neighbors, a country of brave warriors and the country with the blessing of Vedas. With all these beauties there lies a country in South Asia, which lies in everyone's eyes, moreover, in my heart, named Nepal. Nepal is a country of Gurkha, the country of Lophophorus and Rhododendron, the country of Gautama Buddha, the country with its head always tall as the greatest peak Mount Everest, is there. Nepal is a peace loving country, physically small, but can fit in everyone's eye even without piercing it. Situated between the two great neighbors, India and China, the 'Democratic Republic of Nepal' has its capital at Kathmandu. With its enhanced beauty, the country is run by the democratic system. Prime Minister of my country is KP Sharma Oli, and Bi

Top 10 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep : Let's sleep Together Virtually :-;

A good sleep defines your next day. It is essential for your healthier body. It helps you feel good and makes your body and brain function properly. Many people find difficult to fall asleep at night, while many others don't find it difficult too. Poor sleep can have negative effects on many parts of your body and brain, including learning, memory, mood, emotions and various biological functions. So, why don't we make list of ideas to fall asleep easily.  Let's see some simple ways to fall asleep: 1. Lower the Room Temperature: Your body temperature changes as you fall asleep. Core temperature decreases, while the temperature of your hands and feet increases. So, i f your room is too warm, you might have a hard time falling asleep. Setting your thermostat to a cool temperature between 15–23°C could help. (It may differ individually) 2. Make a sleeping and waking schedule: It's good to make a sleeping schedule as many people find setting a sleep schedule helps them fall

म, यस् संसारमा । कविता

दुखी मनले संसार हेर्छु, दुखी सब संसार देख्छु, अलपत्र यस संसारमा, मजस्ता अलपत्र कैयौँ देख्छु। कहिले केही गरु सोच्छु, फेरि बेउत्साहित बनिदिन्छु, तैपनि म लागि पर्छु, चोटहरु त कति सहन्छु।। चोटहरूको पहाडमा, चोटका हिमालहरू कैयौँ देख्छु, नझुक्ने म झुक्न खोज्छु, फेरि कर्तव्य सम्झी उठ्छु। यस् पापी संसारमा , सुख पुज्ने कयौं देख्छु, आडम्बर को भरमा परि गल्ति गर्ने कायौ देख्छु।। सपना बोकी अघि बढ्छ, अध्ययन गर्न लागि पर्छु, फेरी पनि किन हो किन, पूर्व गल्ती सम्झी हाल्छु। आँखाले देख्ने संसारलाई, मनले हेर्दा फरक बुझ्छु, सम्झी-सम्झी महादेवलाई, हे प्रभु, सफलता त अवस्य चुम्छु ।। Poem By: Darpan Kattel

England vs West Indies : Cricket resumes

With England taking on the West Indies in three Tests from July 8, International cricket will be emerging from a long break due to the pandemic of Corona Virus. The matches are said to be played in bio-secure way, and with Simulated crowd noise during Test matches to enhance atmosphere at empty stadiums. Both England and West Indies players have agreed in principle to allow fake crowd noise. Music is also set to be played to enhance atmosphere at empty stadiums.  The first Test after the COVID-19 break will be played at The Rose Bowl in Southampton, followed by the other two games in Manchester. England will host the West Indies for a 3-Test series starting on July 8. Cricket will return after almost 4-months break aster Corona-Virus pandemic. There will be no spectators and the audience on television will witness some changes, like saliva ban and allowing replacement of players who display COVID-19 symptoms. From the West Indies side, Jason Holder will be commanding his team while, fr

The four yugas (Era or Epoch) in Hinduism

A yuga is the period-of-time or ages. In Hinduism, the Chatur-yuga (Four-Yuga) are large time periods characterizing and defining humans as well as social development on the earth. There are four different yugas, (Chatur---> Four) and each of them have their own feature in history. Let's see their names: Satya Yuga (सत्य युग) Treta Yuga (त्रेता युग) Dwapara Yuga (द्वापर युग) Kali Yuga(कली युग) Let's learn briefly on them: 1. Satya Yuga: It is also called as Krita yuga, which is the first of the yuga. Satya means truth. It lasted for 17,28,000 years or 4800 Divine years. It is the truth or golden age, where all humans were good and very religious. It was the first and best yuga without crime and all humans were kind and friendly. It is called Krita Yuga as there was one religion and all men were saintly. Humans used to be 33 feet in height and average human lifespan was of 1,00,000 years.   The bull of   Dharma  symbolizes that morality stood on all four legs during this peri

Corona Virus Vaccine : Nepal's Dr. Das found vaccine to be finally tested!

It is said that the vaccine and drug test against Corona (Covid-19) developed by Dr. Lalit Kumar Das, Professor of the Institute of Forest Sciences in Hetauda,Nepal is in the final stages of finalizing . Dr. Das said the sample medicine had been prepared and was now awaiting the required report for testing as per the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Nepal Health Research Council. Dr. Das said that the preparation took some time due to the long process of fulfilling the criteria within the report. He said that his work was continuing even though it seemed that the issue had been hidden for some time as he was waiting for the report. According to Dr. Das, he has developed the drug in his laboratory by taking plants with antioxidant activity and enzymatic action to remove the corona virus. He also claimed that a sample of both Corona vaccines and oral medications for vaccine allergies had been prepared. Source: Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS)

SSD vs HDD | The differences:

Welcome here, today we will discuss about SSD and HDD. First let's start with the full form: SSD: Solid State Drive HDD: Hard Disk Drive From the above name, you might have known that these are storing devices. HDD is an old-school storage device where is SSD is a newer and faster type of storage device. HDD uses mechanical platters i.e; a moving reader/writer head which helps to access data. Where as, SSD stores data in instantly accessible memory chips like a RAM. You are here, means that you are likely to buy a new drive (don't get offended if not), so without any delay let's begin our discussion:   Comparison on:  SSD  HDD   1. Price  Comparatively Expensive than HDD 1 TB SSD price in Nepal: Rs. 18,000 or more...  Cheaper than SSD 1 TB HDD price in Nepal: Rs. 8,000 or more...   2. Size  Available between 2.5'' to 1.0"  Available between 3.5" to 2.5"   3. Main Feature  High performance processing and faster access to data.  Long-term storing with h

गुरु पूर्णिमा: मन्त्र र त्यस्को अर्थ। को हुन त गुरु?

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः हामी आज गुरु पूर्णिमा मन्त्रको अध्ययन गर्छौ। माथि सुनेको श्लोक / मन्त्र यस संसारमा प्रक्ख्यात छ। यसले वास्तवमा हामीलाई वास्तविक गुरु को हुन् वा शिक्षक को हुन् बारे वर्णन गर्दछ। जसले हामीलाई प्रकाशको मार्गमा डोर्यार्उँछ उसलाई एक शिक्षक भन्न सकिन्छ। सर्वोच्च देवताहरू, ब्रह्मा, विष्णु, महेश्वर (महादेव) लाई यहाँ गुरु भनिएको छ। वास्तवमा, गुरु शब्दको संस्कृतमा बृहत् अर्थ छ त्यसैले शिक्षक मात्र यसको अंग्रेजी अनुवाद हुन सक्दैन। गुरु एक गाईड वा शिक्षक हुन्, भगवान पनि हुन्, एक पति पनि हुन्। यसको साथ, हामी यसको अर्थ जान्न सक्छौँ। (नेपालीमा) गुरुर ब्रह्मा, गुरु विष्णु, गुरु देवो महेश्वर। गुरु साक्षात् परम ब्रह्मा तस्मै श्री गुरावे नमः। अर्थ यहाँ छ। गुरु निर्माणकर्ता हुनुहुन्छ (ब्रह्मा), गुरु संरक्षक हुनुहुन्छ (विष्णु), गुरू भगवान महेशवोर हुनुहुन्छ जो विनाशक हुन्। गुरु पूर्ण भगवान हुनुहुन्छ, सर्वोच्च एकलता आफैमा  हुनुहुन्छ। माथि उल्लेखित ती गुरुहरुलाई अभिवादन।

Lunar Eclipse fully explained !

Lunar Eclipse Fully Explained  When the earth passes direct between the sun and the moon , it obstructs light of the sun. The earth casts its shadow on the moon and the moon darkens partially or completely. This is called lunar eclipse. If the moon is in penumbra a penumbral eclipse occurs in which the moon is seen fainter. When it is partially in umbra, a partial lunar eclipse occurs and when it is completely covered in umbra, a total lunar eclipse occurs. In the above diagram, a lunar eclipse begins from a condition which is also known as penumbral eclipse. After that, partial lunar eclipse occurs and a total lunar eclipse is experienced and finally moon escapes out from the eclipse. A total lunar eclipse stays for 1 hour and 40 minutes. During a total lunar eclipse , the moon doesn't darken completely , it is because of the presence of the atmosphere of the earth, through which the ray of the sun refract towards the moon and the moon appears coppery red. A lunar ecl