Parents : Living Gods for us !

Parents : Living Gods for every Children

We would never know that ; we live in the earth or moon ;  eat rice or hay ; have feeling of love or hate without our creators ; our (each child) living gods. Mother's immense love towards you ( one who is reading this ) and unconditional care of your father towards your mother led you to this planet where you met or will meet ; genius as well as dull ; well-wishers as well as sugar coaters; richest to the poorest and nevertheless you , your past and your f
uture too. 

‌As a responsible parent, both father and mother will provide you all the paraphernalia you need according to their financial status. You may have younger brother or sister in home who may sometimes demand materials hard to afford. This is common in the age between 5-12 years because that very  junior's or  lil one's mindset isn't set. Sacrificing the plan to buy a jean for father and tops for mother; they will try to fulfill the  lil one demand. Parental care and support to the children is not only given financially. One who is millionaire and busy most of times on his business and other related profitable work can never give most of his/her time on them (children) which automatises their child to choose their own track and will disbalance their future. But ; besides these ; parents soul guides them to keep themselves free from bad behaviour and hatred.

They can be given the name of living god who listens after us and for whom we nither should pray nor should bow head for the needs.The parental love is peak level whether it is for newly born baby or for that young man who is independent thirty years old fellow. A child with the love of his/her parents and support in every step lives happily and be loyal as well as polite. '' The house with strong base leads storeys" Here, it means that if parents shape the child well in pubescent period; they will be one step up in adolescent but mindset ; the same, two steps up in adult stage but mindset; the same and will finally have good future and serve his/her creator well and will live happily ever after.


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