Bullying and Cyber-bullying - A must read for everyone

Bullying and Cyber-bullying

Bullying and Cyber-bullying

Bullying is an aggressive or verbal act to dominate, or abuse one by other or by the groups to other groups. Today, bullying activities are vulnerable to be held in school. For the purpose of entertainment, some group bully their friend in his physical appearance, or his other identity. Some cases may be verbal but some are physical. Every sorts of bullying may lead the bullied child to do suicidal activities.

Being bullied can make you feel helpless, humiliated, depressed, or even suicidal. But there are ways and several remedies to stop bullying. Here, in this article, we will discuss about bullying and it's aspects.

Cyber bullying is an online repeated aggressive behavior. Bullies are often relentless. They bully over and over again for long periods of time, as they get entertainment. You may live in constant fear of where and when the bully will strike next, what they’ll do, and how far they’ll go, would I be shamed, laughed or should I cry? This kind of feelings are often generated in person's mind.

Bullying and Cyber-bullying
Physical bullying may include hitting, kicking, or even pushing you to fall and making laughter of yours. Also, threatening to do so can also be physical bullying. Also, all other activities involving those which ruins or destroys your's property can also be termed as physical bullying.

(Here, we are mentioning 'you' as a bullying receiver just to make you fill about it's hazardous effects but not to make you fill it's you!)

Teasing, nick-name making, mocking, insulting, name-calling, other types of  verbally abusing you, are some examples of verbally bullying you.

Bullying and Cyber-bullying
Now, there is something that happens in every relation, i.e; Relationship bullying. It includes refusing to talk to you(by your mate), excluding you from groups or activities(forcefully), spreading lies or rumors about you, making you do things you don’t want to do, teasing on your appearance (eg, He/she teasing you on your 'long-nose' ๐Ÿคฅ)

No type of Bullying should ever be tolerated as it always leads to unwanted activities. Boys frequently bully using physical threats and actions, while girls engage in verbal or relationship bullying.

What is cyber-bullying?

Bullying and Cyber-bullyingTechnology brings us with connection-with people all around the world, now bullying is not merely limited to schools or streets but even at home, via smartphones, computers, emails, texts and social media. This kind of bullying is called cyber bullying and it affects hundreds of people  24 hours a day. Cyber bullies threaten you by using digital technologies to harass of bully you. The use of technology has brought us to another level of bullying where no face-to-face contact is required. It also doesn’t require physical power or strength in numbers as people are always using social medias and bullies attack them.

Almost everyone with internet connection can become cyber bully, even you're reading this article with internet connection and this means you're either vulnerable to bully or going to bully. It is more vulnerable than the real life bullying as people bully without revealing their true identity.

Cyberbullies can attack anyone who is vulnerable to it. Form cyberbullies, no one is safe, and neither at  any place. Even at your home you can be bullied, you can be bullied anywhere with the internet connection. And with a few clicks the humiliation can be witnessed by hundreds or even thousands of people online. This is what the cyberbullies threaten you with.
Bullying and Cyber-bullying

Today's Children, with access to the technologies from very young age, can use any source and method to bully other. They might range from sending threatening or taunting messages via email, text, social media, to breaking into your email account or stealing your online identity to hurt and humiliate you. Sending dirty images, talking dirty without your permission and exploiting you in any manner can also be bullying in networked connection. Some cyberbullies may even create a website or social media page to target you, that is, they invest their every time to their main objective and target.

Bullying is more vulnerable in teens and girls & boys of young ages, as boys tend to bully by “sexting” (sending messages of a sexual nature for their excitement) or with messages to threaten of any type. Well, cyber bullying in terms of girl may range from lying and spreading rumors, exposing secrets and passing out many information which is meant not to. Even excluding you from their groups and lists can also be termed as bullying. Cyber bullying can be practiced easily so it's act of doing may range long. Even a bullied person may bully another person for their satisfaction.

Stop Bullying

The effects of bullying and cyber-bullying, though they are quite different, are same.

You’re made to feel hurt, angry, afraid, helpless, hopeless, isolated, ashamed, and even guilty that the bullying is somehow your fault and also may even feel suicidal. This may result in development of mental problem and high risk of  development of frustrating nature. Some kinds of illness like, Depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, etc. also may be caused.

You’re more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of school to avoid being bullied. In many cases, cyber-bullying can be even more painful than face-to-face bullying as it is more hazardous and technology seeking. The officials may or may not catch the bully because:

Cyber-bullying can happen anywhere, at any time. You may experience it even in places where you’d normally feel safe, such as your home, and at times when you’d least expect it, like during the weekend in the company of your family. This results in thinking that there no place safe from bullying. The one who is bullying, thinks there is low risk of getting caught by police. So, they bully others. Now, let's see dealing with bully.

How to deal with a bully?

There is no simple and more-liked solution for bullying which could stop it. But, you must always account for small to big, all kinds of bullying. Reporting every sorts of bullying must be done, as they are relentlessly targeting you, so you must also relentlessly report it.

If you're being targeted by bullies, you must not be ashamed for what they say because, it is not you who have a problem but it is that person, bullying you, who has got a problem. The first and foremost thing is not to give them satisfaction. Don't let them feel that they succeeded in bullying you. They may want to have control over your feelings, that is why, talk in a simple way to sort out the problem.
Stop Cyber-bullying

One thing everyone mistakes is reading the bullying messages more frequently, and thinking and bothering about this. Rather than thinking about it, just wonder about the outside world, where you have every thing to joy for, think about it, be pleased and forget those bullyed things.

Learn to manage stress. Finding healthy ways to relieve the stress generated by bullying can make you more active and worthy. You can exercise, meditate to sort out those problems. Positive self-talk, muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises are all good ways to cope with the stress of bullying. Also, exercising benefits you physically.

Now, practice playing sports, doing things that makes you feel enjoyable like, hanging out with the friends who don't bully you, family gathering, etc. can be practiced. 

Make your group (with whom you feel good) much stronger, rally against bullying and create a strong mentality. Find support from those who don’t bully. When you’re being bullied, having trusted people around you can help you to feel safe. Practice activities that increase your self-esteem. Talk to a parent, teacher, counselor, or other trusted adult. This will make you feel good. Concentrate your mind on other things, engage with elders. It doesn’t mean that you’re weak or there’s something wrong with you. And reach out to connect with real friends (those who don’t participate in any kind of bullying). If you are new to the school or neighborhood, then don't let yourself thinking that there is no one to be friends with, that's absolutely wrong, think out from your inner heart, there are a lot good people than those bullying ones who will help you and feel happy with you. There are a lot of persons, who care for you, think about them. Thinking positive is the most. 

For Cyber-bullying, unplug from technology. Taking a break from your smartphone, computer, tablet, and video games can open you up to meeting new people. You'll enjoy with the peoples, it'll bring up new ideas and thoughts which may help you much.

Make a friend, believe him (the one who is right will surely make you feel such. Select him and believe him). If it is so, then share everything with him, also help him, make your friendship greater and you are now more connected to people. Larsen your groups, build your capacity and enjoy the group.

One who is extremely bullied may not find out sharing to others and believing others is good, but believe me, it will surely lower your problem. If you're being bullied, share your feelings about bullying. Talk to a parent, counselor, coach, religious leader, or trusted friend. Expressing what you’re going through can make a huge difference in the way you feel, even if it doesn’t change the situation.

Boost your confidence. As mentioned before, exercise is a great way to boost your self-esteem and reduce stress. Go for a run or take a kick boxing class to work off your anger in a healthy way. Bring out and dispose your anger, don't let it fall on other.

Prevent cyber-bullying before it starts

As we know,' Prevention is better than cure', so, one of the best ways to stop cyber-bullying is to prevent the problem before it starts. To stay safe with technology, teach your kids and also yourself (if you're being bullied) to:

  • Refuse to pass (forward) cyber-bullying messages.  Tell their friends to stop cyber-bullying. Also, describe them how it affects one mentally.

  • Delete messages from bullies without reading them, block communication with cyberbullies.

  • Never post or share related to bullying. Also, in a try to expose the one bullying you, don't go harsh on others. 

  • Never share their Internet passwords with anyone. Why will other need your accounts, as it is for you.

  • Always be polite, politeness solves every sorts of problem. And yes, don't give them any chance to bully you. Built your talking capacity (no, not for verbal fights) and raise awareness.

Help stop bullying
Let's be together against bullying, build your group, and share awareness. Share this article if you feel it's something that will help the needy. 

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- Darpan Kattel

( Information from many websites and self thinking and experience)


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