Psychopath and Sociopath personality disorder

Psychopathy and Sociopath falls under the Antisocial Personality Disorder. Psychopath and Sociopath are the traits found in people. From total population it is estimated that 4% are sociopath and about 1% are psychopath. Most people tend to think Psychopath and Sociopath as similar but they do have some dissimilarity.

The main dissimilarity among Psychopath and Sociopath is that psychopath person are born psychopath but sociopath person become or acquire such behaviorthey are not born that way. Sociopath is believed to arise mainly from childhood abuse or trauma. Sociopath is a learned behavior. They lack empathy and remorse in antisocial behavior.

 The most interesting thing about psychopath is that their brain is   different from other normal people. The part of the brain which is   responsible for decision making, social behavior and personality   expression have little to no activity at all. Psychopath don’t have   feeling towards others. They lack  regret and remorse even after   hurting someone or committing a crime. This feature makes them   good serial killer/criminal. But all psychopath may not be criminals,   they are also good businessperson, CEO, government officials etc.



They lack empathy towards others people. They simply couldn’t feel what others are feeling. They know they should be feeling something but they don’t feel anything  due to their unique brain functionality.  Example: If a normal people is stopped by a police after they had committed a crime then they will obviously get scared or panic but on other hand psychopath can easily lie to the police officer even after committing a crime. In such case most people think that they are capable of hiding their emotions which is wrong because they are not even hiding their emotions they simply don’t feel it. They could even lie on a lie detector without being caught.


They don’t care about others they only focus on their personal gain. They can fake emotions in front of others just to be close with them, which is only for their gain. They are also abusive towards the weak ones or the person without benefits to them. They are suckers for powers they  may hurt weak one just to feel powerful than other. 


They will never admit they had done anything wrong. They don’t have such feelings. They always think themselves as  highly  and superior to others. For them everything must go the way they want it. They never admit for their fault but can blame others for their deeds. They don’t care how they won the game as long as they won it . They can do whatever it takes to meet their need.


The life of psychopath is all about lie, lie and lie. Their lies could range from moderate level to high level. They always tends to wear a fake mask and act to be charming and attractive  just to be close to the person they seek gain from. They are capable of faking emotions they don’t feel. Therefore they are called as good actors.


They don’t feel emotions as normal people but sociopath may feel guilt and remorse in a low level compare to psychopath. 

Psychopath are smart and calculating they may make a plan before committing a crime but sociopath are less organized and calculating. They act first and think later. They may commit crime whenever they want.

Sociopath can feel emotions in low level due to which they can form emotional relationship with others but psychopath cannot form any connection with others because they lack empathy and feelings towards other.

Psychopathy is more severe form of sociopath. All psychopath are  sociopath  but all sociopath are not psychopath. 

Psychopath brain  is different from others but sociopath have similar brain to other. They became sociopath by acquiring or learning such behavior.

All psychopath and sociopath are not criminals but they may not have good relations with friend,  family and  partner because of little to no empathy  for others. In our life we may have met such people so we should be careful before getting close to any people.


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