Lunar Eclipse fully explained !

Lunar Eclipse Fully Explained 

When the earth passes direct between the sun and the moon , it obstructs light of the sun. The earth casts its shadow on the moon and the moon darkens partially or completely. This is called lunar eclipse.

If the moon is in penumbra a penumbral eclipse occurs in which the moon is seen fainter. When it is partially in umbra, a partial lunar eclipse occurs and when it is completely covered in umbra, a total lunar eclipse occurs. In the above diagram, a lunar eclipse begins from a condition which is also known as penumbral eclipse. After that, partial lunar eclipse occurs and a total lunar eclipse is experienced and finally moon escapes out from the eclipse. A total lunar eclipse stays for 1 hour and 40 minutes. During a total lunar eclipse , the moon doesn't darken completely , it is because of the presence of the atmosphere of the earth, through which the ray of the sun refract towards the moon and the moon appears coppery red.

A lunar eclipse occurs in the full moon only and it begins from the eastern region of the moon. The illustration shows that the eastern region of the moon enters in the shadow of the earth first. ( As the moon revolves eastward). A lunar eclipse stays longer than SOLAR ECLIPSE because in this condition the moon and the earth are moving in the same direction and the shadow of the earth has more area than that of moon.


1. Lunar eclipse is never annular : It is because annular lunar eclipse occurs only when the earth forms inverted comes between it an the moon. Because the earth's size is bigger than the size of the moon and it is impossible to form such double opposite cones between them , and annular lunar eclipse never occurs

2. Lunar eclipse stays longer than solar eclipse : It is because of following reasons :

  • During a lunar eclipse, the moon and the earth both move in the same direction but during a solar eclipse, they move in opposite directions.
  • The area of the earth's shadow is more than that of moon's shadow because of the above reasons. The moon has to remain far longer time n the earth's shadow comparatively , the earth remain in the moon's shadow, thus the lunar eclipse stays longer than a solar eclipse. 


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