Top 10 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep : Let's sleep Together Virtually :-;

A good sleep defines your next day. It is essential for your healthier body. It helps you feel good and makes your body and brain function properly. Many people find difficult to fall asleep at night, while many others don't find it difficult too. Poor sleep can have negative effects on many parts of your body and brain, including learning, memory, mood, emotions and various biological functions. So, why don't we make list of ideas to fall asleep easily. 
Top 10 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep : Let's sleep Together Virtually :-;

Let's see some simple ways to fall asleep:

1. Lower the Room Temperature:

Your body temperature changes as you fall asleep. Core temperature decreases, while the temperature of your hands and feet increases. So, if your room is too warm, you might have a hard time falling asleep. Setting your thermostat to a cool temperature between 15–23°C could help.

(It may differ individually)

2. Make a sleeping and waking schedule:
It's good to make a sleeping schedule as many people find setting a sleep schedule helps them fall asleep easier. Your body has its own regulatory system called the circadian rhythm. This internal clock cues your body to feel alert during the day but sleepy at night. To keep a regular schedule, wake up and go to bed at the same time each day. This will help your internal clock keep a regular schedule. So, if you set a schedule, it will be easier for your body to sleep and wake-up at the same time.

It is also important to get seven to nine hours of sleep each night and it has been shown to be the optimal sleep duration for adults. Also, before you sleep, give your 30-20 minutes to meditate or calm your mind, and prepare to sleep.

4. Sleep at night (Complete Darkness):
The internal clock regulates sleep and wakefulness. Light can influence your body’s internal clock. During the day, exposing your body to bright light tells system to stay alert. At night, sleepiness is promoted by darkness. Also, researchers claim that, darkness produces particular hormone that assists you to sleep (Melatonin).

Also, make your night complete dark, keep out electronics and light sources out of the room. 

5. Meditation and Yoga:
Stress and tension doesn't let you to sleep. But, stress is always in human's fate. So, Yoga and meditation are the tools that can calm your mind as well as body and promote your sleep. Moreover, they have been shown to improve sleep. Yoga makes your breathing patterns and releases stress. Meditation, on the other hand, increases the hormone, Melatonin, which assist the brain to achieve a good sleep.

Practicing one or all of these techniques can help you get a good sleep at night and wake up re-energized.
Top 10 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep : Let's sleep Together Virtually :-;

6. Avoid Naps During the Day:
Because of incomplete sleep at night, it's common to sleep at day, but it's not a good practice. So, wait the whole day and sleep at night only with regular schedule. There are certain benefits linked with these, but it has mixed opinion. Some studies have shown that regular, long (two hours or more) and late naps may lead to poor night time sleep quality and even sleep deprivation. Many researchers studied some college students to prove these, and also was proved.

To find out if naps are affecting your sleep, try either eliminating naps altogether or limiting yourself to a short nap early in the day.

7. Eating habits (When and What?):
The food you eat before bed affects your sleep. A high carbohydrate meal may help you to a good night sleep. A study, though, concluded that a high-carb diet can get you to fall asleep faster but it will not be restful sleep. A high-at meal could provide you with what high-carb meal doesn't.

In fact, several studies agree that a high-carb/low-fat diet significantly decreased the quality of sleep compared to a low-carb/high-fat diet with the same amount of calories for both diets. If you love high-carbs meal, then  eat it before 4 hours of sleep so as to digest it easily.

Also, avoid taking coffee or tea (containing caffeine) before bed as it will avoid you sleeping and may wake you up throughout the night time.

8. Listen to Relaxing Music:
Listening to music is always good, until it's high-metal, before sleep. Music can significantly improve quality of sleep. Even, patients with insomnia feel asleep after particular music they like and feel good. As from a site, a study of 24 young adults demonstrated that sedative music promoted deeper sleep.

I would suggest you all to listen to Buddhist mantras or chants (Music) which can also be used for meditations. Listening to it may be a great tool for better sleep. Lastly, if relaxing music is not available, blocking all noise could also help you fall asleep faster and promote uninterrupted sleep.
Top 10 Simple Ways to Fall Asleep : Let's sleep Together Virtually :-;

9. Exercise During The Day:
Exercising during Morning is often beneficial to healthy sleep. It boosts the quality of sleep. Moreover, your body requires rest after exorcising so you feel sleepy at the right time at night. Physical activity is often considered beneficial to healthy sleep. Exercise boosts the production of serotonin in the brain and decreasing levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

However, it is important to maintain a moderate-intensity exercise routine and not overdo it. Excessive training has been linked to poor sleep.

Also, the time of exercising is also essential. Researchers claim that exercising at morning is good than exercising at day. A good exercise, either short or moderate, significantly improves the quality and quantity of your sleep.

10. Limit Caffeine:
Caffeine is widely used in chocolate, coffee, sodas and energy drinks. It helps people to fight fatigue and stimulate alertness. As mentioned earlier, caffeine can have high effects on your sleep. Although the effects of caffeine vary from person to person, it is recommended that you refrain from consuming caffeine at least six hours before bedtime.

Instead, drink other liquids which promotes sleep.

Well, let's end our list here. Though there are still many options for a good sleep, we end it here. Now. let's see those remaining in lists with no brief explanation:
  • Do Not Look at Your Clock,
  • Turn Off All Electronics,
  • Try Aromatherapy,
  • Practice Journaling (focusing on positive thoughts),
  • Adjust Your Sleep Position,
  • Read Something,
  • Focus on Trying to Stay Awake(This is a paradoxical intention, that forces your body to sleep),
  • Visualize Things That Make You Happy,
  • Try Sleep-Enhancing Supplements(Consult doctors for this).


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