Oil Pulling : A method to throw-out Toxic waste from your body, improve digestion and reduce pimple..

Oil pulling is a medical practice in which an edible oil is swished around the mouth for a period of time like, 10 minutes (in the beginning of the practice) and 1 hour (after being benefited from it).  Oil pulling is also known as "kavala" or "gundusha", it is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach. This action supposedly draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health. Wikipedia and many organizations claim that there is no evidence to support the claims made for the benefits of oil pulling. But, I do suggest you, all the viewers, to start doing it as it has been found to provide several benefits without any side-effects.

Oil Pulling : A method to throw-out Toxic waste from your body, improve digestion and reduce pimple..
Oil Pulling is capable of improving oral and whole-body health, including a benefit in-conditions, such as headaches, migraines, diabetes, asthma, and acne, as well as whitening teeth, also it provides you clean face with no pimple problems and it works by pulling out toxins. Oil pulling in traditional times was used to be used as an Ayurvedic medicine, in which mustard oil or any edible oil used to be taken instead of coconut oil.
In this modern time, any oil that is edible and is not-refined, can be used as a practice.

Helpful benefits of Oil pulling:

1. Can Kill Harmful Bacteria in Your Mouth,
2. Could Help Reduce Bad Breath,
3. May Help Prevent Cavities,
4. Reduces indigestion and promotes digestion,
5. Reduces constipation,
6. Freshens you as it reduces anxiety and laziness,
7. Beneficial to reduce pimples,
8. Easily practicable and no side-effect,
9. Also, it is a type of facial exercise, makes your jawline better,
10. Makes your lips pink and better,
11. Seems to Reduce Inflammation and Improve Gum Health.

The steps to practice oil pulling is:

  • Measure one tablespoon of oil, such as coconut, sesame or olive oil.
  • Swish it around in your mouth for 15–20 minutes, being careful not to swallow any.
  • Spit the oil into a trash can once you're done. Avoid spitting it into the sink or toilet, as this can cause a buildup of oil, which may lead to clogging.

Oil Pulling : A method to throw-out Toxic waste from your body, improve digestion and reduce pimple..(Don't worry if you swallow it, we will tell you why later on!)

While it's not entirely clear how oil pulling works, it's claimed to "pull" bacteria from the mouth. It may also help by moisturizing your gums and increasing saliva production, which can reduce bacteria.
Some types of oil also contain properties that can naturally reduce inflammation and bacteria to promote oral health. However, research on oil pulling is limited, and there is much debate over how beneficial it really is.

Scientific explanation:
The practice is done in the mouth, and tongue is directly involved. And you all may know, how tongue is connected throughout the body, as doctors first of all check tongue inflammation, whenever you go to them for any illness. So, through the medium of tongue, the oil sucks all the toxins from your body. It is suggested that you practice this always and never stop this.

What if you swallow oil?
Well, that is why we must use edible oil. If you swallow the oil then don't worry, just put a spoon of oil and start oil pulling again. This is a practice that has been practicing from ages by Rishis and saints as Ayurveda says.

Thank you!


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